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Rabbi Yaakov Bender believes in you. And in me. And in every Jew.
Rav Yaakov Bender on Chumash (Vol. 1)
He believes in our potential for greatness. In our capacity to face challenges with joy and courage. In our ability to change, to grow, to achieve. And he knows that all these things come from the spirit and power of the Torah and the beis medrash.

In Rabbi Yaakov Bender on the Chumash, this distinguished Rosh Yeshivah explores many of the Chumash’s timely and contemporary messages of strength, hope and chizuk. He begins with an insight on the parashah, and then shows us how the eternal and holy words of the Chumash are so relevant to us. He gently helps us find our own strengths and reach ever higher.

And he tells stories. So many stories! Rabbi Bender shares personal memories of his illustrious family. He brings us rare and often unknown stories about the gedolim we know and revere. There are “everyday gedolim” as well -- people like you and me, men and women who take achrayus, courageously face what life brings them, and often achieve greatness. And, of course, he draws inspiring life lessons from the talmidim who are so central to his life.

We know Rabbi Bender is a gifted mechanech, a distinguished talmid chacham, a visionary Rosh Yeshivah, a man completely devoted to his talmidim. We are amazed by his initiatives, his ceaseless effort for the Klal, his never-ending mission to strengthen Torah learning and give chizuk to those who need it. We admire his warmth, his passion, and the love he has for Klal Yisrael.

Now, we can bring that warmth, passion, and love to our Shabbos tables. They will never be the same.

Rav Yaakov Bender on Chumash (Vol. 1)

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$26.39Sale Price
  • Rav Yaakov Bender on Chumash (Vol. 1)

    By Rabbi Yaakov Bender (Author)

    ISBN-10 : 1422627772

    ISBN # : 9781422627778

    Format : Hardcover

    Pages : 350

    Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.126 inches

    Weight: 1.6 LBS

    Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications

    Release Date : 01/06/2021

    Size : Standard
    Language: English
