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The Breslov Haggadah

The classic Pesach Haggadah, accompanied by Rebbe Nachman’s insights and other commentary drawn from Breslov and general sources. Includes the complete story of the Exodus and a wealth of Pesach anecdotes, plus Rebbe Nachman’s teachings about Chol HaMoed, the counting of the Omer, and the holiday of Shavuot.

The Breslov Haggadah

SKU: 6846
$24.99 Regular Price
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  • The Breslov Haggadah

    By: Breslov Research Institute

    Dimensions    6.5" x 9.5"
    ISBN    978-0-930213-35-0
    Author    Breslov Research Institute
    Publisher    Breslov Research Institute
    Number of pages    256
    Item #    6846
    Binding type    Hard Cover
    Weight    1.290000 lbs.
