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TO YOUR HEALTH presents a unique blueprint on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and prevent serious disease. This book’s light, easy-to-read format is enhanced by tips and success stories. The principles of healthy eating habits enumerated in these pages are solidly based on the Rambam’s teachings, as well as on modern medical findings. 

“Rabbi Ishayek combines the wisdom of ancient scholars … and other principles of Jewish dietary law together with the most recent scientific research and evidence-based medicine. Rabbi Ishayek possesses unique wisdom and is a keen observer of human behavior. His understanding, knowledge, and wisdom are all evident in this book. As a physician, I enjoyed reading the book, and I myself follow what Rabbi Ishayek preaches. I recommend this book to my family and friends, as well as to my patients. I believe that any person who follows the principles described herein — concerning eating, drinking water and general behavior — will live a longer, healthier and better life.”
– Jacob Shani, M.D., FACP, FACC, FSCAI, Professor of Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine

“It would be wonderful if this book would reach... ...every community and inspire them to preserve their health!” 
– Hagaon Harav Chaim Walkin shlita

“Rabbi Ishayek has received much praise for his sefarim, and Gedolei Yisrael expressed their appreciation and their haskamah to publish them throughout the world. I support him wholeheartedly, and may Hashem be with him to be mezakeh the rabbim.” 
– Hagaon Harav Mendel Silber shlita

To Your Health

