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It is the great work recompiled by Rab. Chaim Yosef David Azulay known as "El HAJIDA".

This work is one of the most recommended for the study of the Parasha (weekly portion of the Torah) It is divided into the 6 days of the week with portions of Halacha-Shuljan Aruj, portions of Prophets and Writings., Tanakh, Talmud, Zohar , and different books of Jewish Ethics.

Luxury presentation in a beautiful hard cover.

The collection consists of 15 volumes (Each book of the Torah is divided into three volumes, making a total of fifteen books)

Jok L'Israel is a fundamental study work for the Sephardic, it was written more than 200 years ago by the eminent Jajam R. Chaim David Azulai "El Jida" and this is one of the most complete works of study.

Es la gran obra recompilada por Rab. Jaim Yosef David Azulay conocido como "El HAJIDA".

Esta obra es una de las más recomendadas para el estudio de la Parashá (porcion semanal de la Toráh) Esta divida en los 6 dias de la semana con porciones de Halaja-Shuljan Aruj, porciones de Profetas y Escritos., Tanaj, Talmud, Zohar, y diferentes libros de la Etica judia.

Presentacion de lujo en hemosa tapa dura.

La colección consta de 15 tomos.(Cada libro de la Toráh está dividido en tres tomos, haciendo un total de quince libros)

Binding: Hardcover
Size: 9.8" x 7" (25cm x 18cm)
Language: Spanish

Jok Le'Isreal Vayikra 2 Chok L'Yisroel in Spanish Volume 7 [Hardcover]
Translated by: Rabbi Shlomo Wahnon

Jok Le'Isreal-Vayikra Vol. 2 Chok Liyisroel-Spanish

  • By: Shlomo Wahnon, Chaim Yosef David Azulay
    Product ID: BKSJOK7

    This item is part of Jok Le'Isreal Chok Liyisroel Spanish.
