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One the greatest Chassidic classics on the Torah, Kedushas Levi, is finally available in a translated and elucidated edition.

Rav Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev is renowned as the defender and lover of the Jewish people, but he was much more. He was a superior Torah scholar, one of the earliest founding Chassidic masters, and the author of a phenomenal commentary on the Torah. Rav Levi Yitzchok’s Kedushas Levi is profound, incisive, and stimulating. It has been treasured and studied by scholars and gedolim for more than two centuries. And now, this magnificent edition brings Kedushas Levi to English readers in all its grandeur.

Kedushas Levi – 3 Volume Slipcased Set

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$87.99Sale Price
  • Kedushas Levi – 3 Volume Slipcased Set

    The Classic Work by the Chassidic Master Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Of Berditchev Translated and Elucidated

    ISBN-10 : 1422638995

    ISBN # : 9781422638996

    Format : Hardcover

    Pages : 1968

    Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.751 inches

    Weight: 8 LBS

    Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications

    Release Date : 08/10/2023

    Size : Standard
    Language: English
