Sand and Stars II
There is no more exciting story anywhere than the Jewish People's march through the menaces of history. It's a gripping, absorbing story, peopled by great names and arch-villains, full of courage and cowardice, and leavened with the conviction that the Chosen People must survive come what may. This volume traces the story from the 16th century to the present. This book is the work of two great names in today's Jewish literary world: YAFFA GANZ the acclaimed, award-winning author of children's literature; in collaboration with RABBI BEREL WEIN rosh yeshivah, rabbi, historian, and lecturer, whose history cassettes are the primary basis of the book. Lavishly illustrated and filled with maps and time charts, SAND AND STARS II brings the story alive. Especially recommended for young readers aged 10-16, it is fascinating reading for all ages. A perfect gift for bar or bas mitzvah, graduation or any special event
Sand and Stars II
Sand and Stars II
The Jewish journey through time.
By Yaffa Ganz (Author) Rabbi Berel Wein (Editor)
ISBN-10 : 0899060374
ISBN # : 9780899060378
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 386
Dimensions : 8.5 x 11 inches
Weight: 3.4 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Shaar Press
Release Date : 10/30/1995
Size : Coffee Table
Age Range: Young Adult
Language: English