Why is this Haggadah different from other Haggadahs?
The Fifth Question Haggadah is a unique Haggadah that is full of fascinating explanations — and even more captivating questions. Rabbi Gross helps readers turn their Seder into an enjoyable, lively, and inspirational experience for all ages and backgrounds.
About the Author:
Rabbi Judah Gross is a student of Rabbi Berel Wein, shlita, and Rav Aryeh Rottman, zt”l. He received semichah from Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, kabalah in shechitah from Rav Dovid Benzion Klein, and learned milah and safrus under Harav Yehuda Giat. He is the author of the popular A Deeper Dimension (Mosaica Press, 2017) on the parashiyos.
The Fifth Question Haggadah
The Fifth Question Haggadah
By: Rabbi Judah Gross
Dimensions 6x9
ISBN 9781946351630
Author Rabbi Judah Gross
Publisher Mosaica Press
Number of pages 143
Item # 7776
Binding type Hard Cover
Weight 0.937000 lbs.