Toldos Am Olam
From when it was published decades ago and until today, Toldos Am Olam has been hailed as a unique work of history, possibly the only one of its kind: a history book based completely on Jewish sources.
The author, Rabbi Shlome Rotenberg, was both a master educator and one of the towering figures who helped rebuild Torah life in America after the Holocaust. But his greatest, most enduring achievement was his magnum opus, Toldos Am Olam, which became universally accepted as an authoritative work on Jewish history, as transmitted through the lens of the sages and the Torah leaders throughout the generations.
This beautifully adapted edition of Toldos Am Olam chronicles the period in which the Tannaim committed into writing the Oral Tradition into the form of the Mishnah. It tells the powerful story of the Torah scholars who ensured that Hashem's nation and His Torah would survive, even as the Temple lay in smoking ruins.
We live in a time when history is often being rewritten. Now more than ever, we need Toldos Am Olam, with its authentic Jewish view of our history.
Toldos Am Olam
Toldos Am Olam
The History of the Eternal Nation based on Talmud, Midrash, and Rabbinic Writings
By Rabbi Shlome Rotenberg (Author)
ISBN-10 : 1422627209
ISBN # : 9781422627204
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 390
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.938 inches
Weight: 1.7 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 08/17/2020
Size : Standard
Language: English