Anatomy of the Soul
Since man was created “in the image of God,” each organ of the human body has a spiritual as well as physical meaning. This fascinating study uncovers the mystical connection between each aspect of the human body – the skeletal and muscular system, the circulatory and respiratory systems, the reproductive system, and more – and the Ten Sefirot, plus the five levels of the soul. Heighten your awareness of the awesome spiritual power you have at your fingertips, and in all your other limbs as well.
Anatomy of the Soul
Anatomy of the Soul
By: Avraham Sutton
Dimensions 6" x 9"
ISBN 978-0-930213-51-0
Author Avraham Sutton
Publisher Breslov Research Institute
Number of pages 528
Item # 6833
Binding type Hard Cover
Weight 2.090000 lbs.