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Annotated English Siddur - Flexi Cover, Compact Edition

Presenting Kehot’s annotated English / Hebrew siddur aiming to satisfy the need for a clear easy to use siddur for those not so familiar with all the all Hebrew Siddur.

Specifically, we have aimed for increased clarity in the following ways:

  • The Hebrew text has been completely reset in large and clear type.
  • To orient the reader, identifying headings have been added before the major sections of the prayer.
  • Additions for special occasions (such as the insertions for Rosh Chodesh, etc.) have been set off from the text in shaded areas, with detailed instructions about when they are to be said.
  • Clear and detailed instructions on the mechanics of the prayers (when to sit, stand, etc.) and on their laws and customs have been added.
  • These instructions have been inserted into both the facing Hebrew and English pages, for the benefit of those praying in either language.
  • A detailed section of the laws relating to the prayers has been added as an appendix, entitled “Selected Laws and Customs”.
  • A section of “Selected Transliterations” has been included at the end of the Siddur.

Annotated English Siddur - Flexi Cover, Compact Edition

$23.95 Regular Price
$20.12Sale Price
  • Publisher: Kehot Publication Society
    Translated By: Rabbi Nissen Mangel
    Language: Hebrew / English
    ISBN: 978-0-8266-0153-7
    Format: 4" x 6", Flexi cover, 1194 pages
