Derech Hakodesh (Hebrew Only)
A punctuated edition of the foundation books of the great Ramch"al ; Derech Tevunot ("The Way of Understanding") explaining the Talmudic way of thinking, Sefer HaHigayon ("The Book of Logic") which lays out the correct way to think and analyze, and Sefer Hamalitza ("The Book of Style") which offers the art of accurate writing and expression. These three fundamental writings were combined in one, beautiful volume, edited clearly and brightly by Rav David Sakton.
Derech Hakodesh (Hebrew Only)
Derech Hakodesh (Hebrew Only)
Derech Tevunos, Sefer HaHigayon, Sefer Hamelitza
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto
ISBN 5294F
Author Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto
Publisher Distributed by Feldheim
Number of pages 261
Item # 5294
Binding type Hard Cover
Weight 0.980000 lbs.