A concise and clear summary of all the laws of Purim, in a wonderfully convenient pocket size (4"x6")
The halachos are written in a readable, easy-to-follow style, while extensive source notes make this a valuable resource for further, in-depth study.
Includes Birchas HaMazon - A unique gift to give out in your Mishloach Manos, at wedding, bar and bas mitzvahs, and all events during the Purim season.Includes halachos of: • Parashas Zachor • Taanis Esther • Reading the Megillah • Mishloach Manos • Matanos L'evyonim • and many, many more.
Halachic Handbook: The Laws of Purim
Halachic Handbook: The Laws of Purim
By Rabbi Yitzchok Rosedale (Author) Rabbi Shmuel Felder (Editor)
Catalog # HHPUP
ISBN-10 : 1422614689
ISBN # : 9781422614686
Format : Paperback
Pages : 176
Dimensions : 4 x 6 inches
Weight: 0.25 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 02/11/2014
Size : Pocket Size
Holiday: Purim
Language: English