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I Live My Day the Torah Way

Children will have such a wonderful day
When they live the Torah Way!

Beloved children’s writer Rebbetzin Sara Ginsburg brings young readers another book to delight, inspire, and gently teach them.

There are so many mitzvos boys and girls can do on their busy, happy day. They can say berachos and answer Amein. They can share their scooters with a friend who doesn’t have one. They can return a lost watch, take care of younger brothers and sisters, and make a sad friend feel better.

With its charming rhymes, relatable text, and engaging illustrations, I Live My Day The Torah Way shows our children how to fill their days -- and their lives -- with mitzvos.

I Live My Day the Torah Way

$17.99 Regular Price
$15.83Sale Price
  • I Live My Day the Torah Way

    By Sara Ginsburg (Author) Racheli David (Illustrator)

    ISBN-10 : 1422631001

    ISBN # : 9781422631003

    Format : Hardcover

    Pages : 32

    Dimensions : 8.5 x 11 inches

    Weight: 0.8 LBS

    Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications

    Release Date : 05/15/2022

    Size : Oversized
    Age Range: Childrens - 1 - 5
    Language: English
