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The KosherLamp™ 360 brand shabbos lamp’s light shines in all directions so you can avoid tripping over your shoes and prevents you from bumping into furniture. Find what you need at night with this 360-degree light.

And when you want to read, you don’t have to be right next to the light. Just pick a comfortable spot and the light will find you.

Height when in Closed Position: 4.6″
Height in Open Position: 7″
Weight including all accessories: 1.5 lbs (0.675 kg)

Kosher Lamp 360
Travel Bag
AC/DC Power Adapter
Plug Adapter
Kosher Lamp 360 manual

KosherLamp™ 360

    • 54 bold, bright, built in LED lights
    • 1 year warranty from manufacturer’s defect (retain your receipt for service)
    • Courteous customer service
    • Convenient for any overnight stay
    • Light up your bedroom or hotel room; hide the light to sleep
    • Compact size: fits in carry-on
    • Safety certified adapter included for International use: (100-240V: N. America,  Israel, Europe)
    • 100% muktza-free. Kosher L’chatchila!
