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Noted for his wit, wisdom, and elocutionary excellence, Rabbi Yissocher Frand is known throughout the world as a masterfully clear teacher of Torah. Wherever he speaks, rooms are filled to capacity. And as he speaks, the audience sits transfixed, absorbed, drinking in each carefully crafted phrase.

As a rosh yeshiva at Baltimore's Yeshivas Ner Israel, Rabbi Frand educates hundreds of students and inspires to hold aloft the beacon light of Torah to a searching Jewish world. His depth and breadth of Talmudic and halachic analysis have earned him the esteem of great Torah leaders.

Over the years, Rabbi Frand's name has become closely associated with his thoughts on the weekly parashah ¡ the portion of Torah studied weekly by Jews across the globe. Through his famed Parsha Perceptions Series, Rabbi Frand's message reaches thousands of listeners each week.

Public response to the first volume of Rabbi Frand on the Parashah was strong. Readers wanted more. Drawing from the vast reservoir Rabbi Frand's teachings, this second volume is sure to satisfy readers' earnest and eager appetite for more wisdom from one of Torah Judaism's finest of teachers, and these provocative insights are certain to enhance Shabbos meals and celebrations throughout the year.

Rabbi Frand On the Parashah Volume 2

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$25.51Sale Price
  • Rabbi Frand On the Parashah Volume 2

    More insights, stories and observations by Rabbi Yissocher Frand on the weekly Torah reading

    By Rabbi Yissocher Frand (Author)

    ISBN-10 : 1422605701

    ISBN # : 9781422605707

    Format : Hardcover

    Pages : 358

    Dimensions : 6 x 9 inches

    Weight: 1.6 LBS

    Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications

    Release Date : 08/31/2007

    Size : Standard
    Language: English
