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Let Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky add happiness, depth, and meaning to your Purim!

Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Megillas Esther and Purim was written by Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Shteinman, grandson of Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman zt"l and ybl'ch Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt"l, who spent much time and learned so much from his illustrious grandfathers.

What is Purim like in Rav Chaim's home? How did Rebbetzin Kanievsky bring joy to the multitudes who came with Mishloach Manos? Which mitzvah of Purim did Rav Aharon Leib declare was the most important? In these pages, we are transported to the simple Bnei Brak homes of these gedolim, learning from their Torah, their minhagim, and their awe-inspiring behavior. In addition, Rav Chaim’s incisive and novel explanations of the Megillah offers us a fuller understanding of the world of Shushan and an enhanced appreciation for the Purim miracle.

Rav Chaim on Megillas Esther and Purim will enhance every facet of our Purim celebrations.

This sefer includes:

  • Rav Chaim's insights into Megillas Esther
  • A Selection of Rav Chaim's Personal Customs on Purim
  • The Mitzvos of Purim -–Rav Chaim's Torah thoughts and how he observes those mitzvos
  • Purim Prayers
  • Rav Chaim's guidance on how to serve Hashem with joy, and how to achieve true happiness
  • Rav Chaim's thoughts on Parashas Zachor
  • Selected laws of Purim

Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Megillas Esther and Purim

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  • Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Megillas Esther and Purim

    Comments, laws, customs, stories, and perspectives on Megillas Esther and Purim

    By Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Shteinman (Compiled by)

    Catalog # RCKEPH

    ISBN-10 : 1422625702

    ISBN # : 9781422625705

    Format : Hardcover

    Pages : 244

    Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 0.813 inches

    Weight: 1.3 LBS

    Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications

    Release Date : 02/22/2020

    Size : Standard
    Color: Brown
    Holiday: Purim
    Language: Hebrew/English
