Set Chumashim Safa Berura Blue
A clear language set of Pentacles
Blue edition without picturesThe 'Clear Language' Pentateuch with a brief commentary on the Bibles and Rashi's interpretation. The commentary is integrated within the verse boxes, and explains the verses in a simplified manner, plus notes and notes, which are necessary for a good and clear understanding. A commentary on Rashi's words is also added to it, and it is also integrated within his words , with notes and sources. The edition is accompanied by the annotation of the translation to the Onclus translation under each box, which is useful for understanding the verses and their purpose. All of these were arranged in a magnificent edition and with perfect pagination, in the best tradition of the books of the Kingdom of the Torah - Oz and Splendor.
Set Chumashim Safa Berura Blue
Set Chumashim Safa Berura Blue
10 inches