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Pesach: The slaves become a nation - and begin the march to Sinai

Parent to child, grandparent to grandchild. We sit at the Seder table and transmit our cherished and eternal traditions to the next generation.

The Illustrated Haggadah gives us a wonderful way to bring the story of the creation of the Jewish nation to our families. It includes a simple and yet elegant translation with added words and phrases that clarify difficult passages; clear and easy-to-follow instructions; comments that can be shared and enjoyed by all at the Seder.

And pictures! - more than 50 illustrations to pore over and enjoy, images that bring the dusty desert, the miraculous ten plagues, the churning waters of the Reed Sea to vivid life, entertaining and inspiring children and adults alike.

The Illustrated Haggadah will keep everyone, young and old, engaged and inspired. And isn't that what we want our Seder to do?

Spanish Illustrated Haggadah Hard Cover [Hardcover]

