Talmud Bavli - Shas Peninim (25x17cm) - ש”ס פנינים תלמוד בבלי - 20 Volume Set without Mishnaios
"This edition of the Talmud (available in set only) is completely redone with all the standard commentaries and many other additions including Mishnaios Z'raim and Taharos.1) The text of the Gemara and Tosfas is corrected from earlier editions of the Talmud.
2) The text of the Rashi is corrected from manuscripts and earlier editions.
3) "Mosef Rashi" - comments of Rashi from parallel gemaras included on the page.
4) "Lazei Rashi" - an explanation of the Old French words that appear in Rashi.
5) The commentary of Rabbeinu Chananel on Seder Moed corrected from manuscripts.
6) "Mesoras HaShas" - references to other locations in the Talmud, corrected with additional references.
7) "Ein Mispat" - references to Rambam, Smag, Tur and Shulchan Aruch, corrected with additional references.
8) "Torah Ohr HaShalem" - the quoted verse of Tanach in completion, with nekudos.
9) The commentary of Rif, newly typeset while adhering to the standard old pagination.
10) The notes of Maharsham, Einei Shmuel, Ya'avetz, and Meah Shearim (from the author of the Ittur), corrected from manuscripts.
11) Tractate Zevachim - completely redone, with the text of the Gemara, Rashi, Tosfas, and Shitah Mekubetzes corrected from manuscripts.
12) Seder Zeraim of Mishnah - completely redone, with the commentary of Rambam retranslated from manuscripts, the commentaries of Rash, Rosh, and Rivmatz corrected from manuscripts, and other additions.
13) Seder Taharos of Mishnah - completely redone, with the commentary of Rambam retranslated from manuscripts, the commentaries of Rash and Rosh corrected from manuscripts, and other additions.
14) All pictures and diagrams have been carefully reviewed for accuracy.
15) Many other additions and enhancements."
ערוך ומסודר מחדש עם כל המפרשים באותיות מאירות עיני הלומד עם הוספות רבות
Dimensions 9.8 x 6.6 inches
by Moznaim
SKU 18570
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SKU: 18570
$400.00 Regular Price
$396.99Sale Price