The Eishes Chayil Haggadah is designed to enhance women's appreciation for the miracles of Yetziyas Mitzrayim - and women's vital role in those miracles.
- A rich commentary that emphasizes women's contributions to the Exodus and Jewish life
- An abundance of absorbing stories to enhance the holiday
- Clear laws of Seder night, particularly those relevant to women
- Brief overviews of vital concepts, so busy women can quickly enrich their Seder
This magnificent volume makes a fantastic "thanks-for-working-so-hard" gift for your wife, mother, or hostess!
- Ribbon marker
The Eishes Chayil Haggadah
The Eishes Chayil Haggadah
By Rabbi Dov Weller (Author)
Catalog # HECH
ISBN-10 : 1422617203
ISBN # : 9781422617205
Format : Hardcover
Pages : 300
Dimensions : 6 x 9 x 1.001 inches
Weight: 1.6 LBS
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date : 03/30/2016
Size : Standard
Color: Copper
Language: Hebrew/English